Welcome to Infrared Camera Conversions, this website has loads of info about Infrared and Full Spectrum camera conversions as well as details of equipment, lenses, filters etc. There tutorial pages on Infrared, Astrophotography and UV photography. Don't forget to check out the Galleries which have widely varying examples of work from customer's and myself.
I specialise in conversions to mirrorless cameras from Sony, but also do some Canon M Series but I can also supply already converted cameras from Sony and Canon as well as Infrared/Ultraviolet filters and lenses. I can make up kits of equipment to your requirements and have supplied many Universities, Museums, Institutions, Businesses and private individuals all over the world. I'm sorry I do not offer any conversion services for DSLR's at all.
If you have any queries, I can be contacted via email at; alan@infraredcameraconversions.com
and by phone on; [+44] 01983 852966
Alan Burch
To convert a digital camera to Full Spectrum involves removing the UV/IR Cut Filter [ Hot Mirror ] that covers the CMOS sensor, this allows all wavelengths of light to hit the sensor. However with no filtration the image will be a bit soft as no lens can focus UV, Visible and Infra Red light to the same point, but by simply adding a filter to the front of the lens, allows photos to be taken in whatever type of light is desired. So adding an IR Pass filter will block UV and visible light and only allow IR through to the sensor. The results will be exactly the same as an IR Conversion with the same wavelength of filter but with the advantage that you can simply change the filter's wavelength or to pass UV or some other effect like Astro work. This is why I highly recommend full spectrum conversions for most people.
Full Spectrum Conversion
To convert a digital camera to Infra Red involves removing the UV/IR Cut Filter [ Hot Mirror ] that covers the CMOS sensor, then a IR Passing [Visible Blocking ] filter is added where the UV/IR Cut Filter was removed. This filter is permanent and the camera will only be able to "see" the IR light that the filter passes.
Infra Red Conversion
1st Sept 2020 - The Shop Pages have now been restored and sales can resume. However towards the end of each month I will have to assess the sales level to keep below the VAT threshold. This may mean sales may be paused again towards the end of each month.
Why convert a camera to Full Spectrum or Infrared, Can't I just give more Exposure?
Why convert a camera to Full Spectrum or Infrared, well the photos below are taken with a 21mm lens and a Hoya R72. The first on an unconverted camera is taken at 1/20th at f/2.8 with the camera set to a whopping 65535 iso!!, the second at the same time, with a Full Spectrum Camera, was taken at 1/200th at f/5.6 with 100 iso. By removing the UV/IR Cut filter in a Full Spectrum or IR camera conversion, the camera is gaining a massive 15-16 stops of IR light!!.

Full Spectrum Conversion for Astrophotography
The image below of the Orion Nebula is taken with a Full Spectrum Converted Sony A7R with a normal 600mm camera lens [Slightly Cropped]. The image colour, especially the red H-Alpha intensity is increased due to the UV/IR Cut filter removal as part of the Full Spectrum conversion. For more info on Astrophotography Click on the Astro Page.
To the naked eye this area [In Orion's Sword] looks like a slightly fuzzy star, but with the extra exposure [12x 60s exposure = 12mins in total] the camera can see the above, which surprisingly [To me anyway] is roughly the size of a full moon.